Baby Balance Bike for 1+ Years Old, Baby Bicycle 12-24 Months Toddler Bike with No Pedal 4 Silence Wheels and Light (Pink)
Baby Balance Bike for 1+ Years Old, Baby Bicycle 12-24 Months Toddler Bike with No Pedal 4 Silence Wheels and Light (Pink)
Customer Reviews
Why choose our balance bike?
1. Non-Slip Handle: Soft TPU provides good grip for your baby.2. LED Light: One-button controll the LED light . at night or in bad light . baby can turn on the it when riding.
3. Upholstered Cushion: Comfortable seat and curved cushions protect your baby's hips and prevent leaning back.
4. 135° Limit Steering: 135° extreme turning to prevent rollover and ensure the safety of the baby.
5. Durable Widened Wheels: Wear-resistant . 4 low noise widened wheels are more stability . suitable for riding on all kinds of roads.
6. Safety Shock-Absorption: The front wheel has 2 cm buffer space . baby can be more flexible to practice the balance bike . don't worry about rollover.